About This Classroom

This room is for children who turn four by September 1st as set by state guidelines. We use My Father's World Pre-K 4's curriculum, "Voyage to Discovery" in this class. The curriculum is a year-long, faith-based program that includes alphabet and numeric learning, as well as focuses on large and fine motor skills. We encourage each child to nap after lunch each day, but simply laying quietly or reading a book is acceptable for those who do not fall asleep. Independent and guided play will take place in the group play area outside of the classroom. We believe that keeping the learning room and playroom separate helps children understand the expectations for each area.

Required Items

  • Lunch: clearly labeled with the child's first and last name, the date, and the contents inside. All meal items and snacks are to be cut to the appropriate size by the parent.

  • Snacks: clearly labeled with the child's first and last name, the date, the contents inside.

  • Blanket and pillow for rest time; nap mats are permitted

  • At least two spare outfits placed in a clear bag and labeled with the child's first and last name

  • Sunscreen for outdoor time (medication form must be filled out)

  • Hat,gloves, scarf, coat, and snow pants in the winter months

  • Water bottle


Please refer to our tuition page for a full price guide.