Supporting Our Classrooms
As we are in our first years of ministry, there are many needs that we simply cannot meet on our own. If you would be willing to prayerfully consider contributing to the needs of our classrooms, further aiding in the ministry we are trying to provide, we would be very grateful. Using the buttons below, we have provided links to Amazon Wishlists where you can find some of the wants and needs of our teachers broken down by classroom. We appreciate your support of Little Leaders Academy!
Build Our Gym With Us!
While our K-12 ministry, Faith Christian School, will benefit the most from the installation of a new gym for PE classes and a home court for our Patriot athletes, Little Leaders Academy seeks to raise funds as this new space will give us a spot to hold events and ceremonies, as well as provide indoor play area for when the weather or other conditions don't allow for time outdoors. Additionally, we hope that this space will become a potential income opportunity by offering gym rental to others in our community.
By giving in any amount, your generous support will directly affect the lives of countless students for generations to come! We ask that you prayerfully consider giving to this cause, as we know this space will be such a blessing to those in our community!
To give, please click on the “Give Today” button below be directed to our Vanco donation site, then type your donation amount into the “Matching Funds - Gymnasium” section.