“And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13

Faith Baptist Church
The mission of Faith Baptist Church as set forth in the Great Commandment and the Great Commission is loving God with all our hearts while bringing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, incorporating them into the fellowship of the local church, teaching them to live in obedience to God’s Word, and equipping them to use their spiritual gifts for God’s glory in service to others.
Faith Christian School
Faith Christian School exists to glorify God by pursuing educational excellence and partnering with parents to prepare students to think, live, and lead from a Biblical worldview.
Little Leaders Academy
“Developing Christlike character, compassion, and creativity.”
Doctrinal Statement
Wisdom rests on truth. Here are the biblical truths at the core of the teaching of Faith Baptist Church and Little Leaders Academy. The full doctrinal statement may be obtained from the church office. A summary of the eleven articles follows:
-The verbal inspiration of the Bible
-The triune God
-The deity and humanity of Jesus Christ
-The personal existence and eternal destiny of Satan
-The creation of man by the direct act of God
-The sinful nature of man and his salvation by grace through the blood of Christ
-The eternal security of the believer
-The establishment of the church for the purpose of worship, observance of ordinances, and proclamation of the gospel
-The premillennial and bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth
-The judgement of the unsaved dead and their consignment to the lake of fire for all eternity
-The only ordinances of the church are baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper

Standards of Conduct
Members of the staff of Faith Baptist Church are the embodiment of the values of Christian education. Therefore, they must teach these values with their lives. They should cultivate attitudes of humility, selflessness, and should avoid adverse attitudes, such as anger, jealousy, greed, backbiting gossip, and pride. They are to be separated Christians who do not indulge in worldly practices. Likewise, all staff members must acknowledge:
Agreement with the following: “I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. With God giving me strength, I shall endeavor to walk in the holiness and temperance as set forth in the Scriptures which will be an example to the youth.”
Agreement with the doctrinal statement and employee handbook of Little Leaders Academy.
Agreement to become a member of Faith Baptist Church and faithfully attend the services.
Agreement with the dress, appearance, and conduct standards of Little Leaders Academy.